Study: Cats videos make you happy
Cat lovers, knew tis for some time, now there is an evidence: Cats can videos make you happy.Jessica Gall Myrick, media scientist at Indiana University in Bloomington, found in a study, that positive emotions are increased and negative decreased if you've seen a cat video. "Some may think that the prestige of cat videos are not serious enough for an academic research, but I do not care," Myrick said in a statement, which was published in the journal 'Computers in Human Behaviour'. "If we want to better understand the impact of the Internet on individuals and society, the researchers internet cats can no longer ignore."

Myrick interviewed as part of their study of 7,000 spectators cat videos. The participants answered questions about their viewing habits and describes how these videos affect your mood. The results were overwhelmingly positive, so Myrick. The participants said that they felt less negative emotions, after seeing a cat video. Many respondents also indicated that to see Cats videos at work or while studying.
In a guided study three years ago Japanese researchers found that the sight of cute animals improves the performance of workers. In addition, attention will increase.