What is there in Commercial toothpaste and how to make our own harmless toothpaste?
You might want to think twice if you're using commercial toothpaste in the hopes that it will clean your teeth and cause your breath fresh.
I will explain what your spit is made out of.
You produce a tremendous amount of saliva every day. it's 1500 milliliters every single day.
What's in saliva?
Saliva has electrolytes, trillions of bacteria, enzymes to help you break down starches, and protein that helps coat vitamin B12 so that it can pass through the stomach and get absorbed into the small intestine, mucus in there helps to keep everything flowing, it contains sodium bicarbonate that is baking soda, glands also make baking soda to help neutralize the acids that are occurring in the fermentation process.
When you feed too much sugar to your microbes as well as the candida in your mouth it produces a byproduct of a certain acid, if the acid is too acidic it will develop cavities. there are actually white blood cells in your saliva, and all sorts of antibacterial or specifically anti-pathogenic factors are there. it's important not to disturb the chemistry of what's in that saliva because if it's altered one way you start getting inflammation in your gum is gingivitis or periodontal disease. you start developing cavities, you start getting an overgrowth of yeast or candida on your tongue, you start developing bad breath, and chronic calitosis and you can even develop biofilms which are microbial colonies in slime and calcium in your tonsils.
I hope now you understand the importance of saliva. and what it's doing to help clean your mouth and keep your breath fresh and prevent all these other diseases that can happen in your mouth. so think about this before you use commercial toothpaste.
What's in commercial toothpaste?
Commercial toothpaste has fluoride, which is very harmful to both good and bad bacteria. triclosan well actually it was banned since it is a chemical that acts as an endocrine disruptor and that creates